The Helmholtz Climate Initiative REKLIM
has launched a student project with DEKRA | Hochschule für Medien in Berlin to tell stories that raise awareness among the younger generation about climate change and the consequences of rising sea levels.
It was in this context that the B.A. of Arts graduation film “The Wall” was created. The fictional short film portrays a possible situation in the indeterminate future caused by climate change. Julius and his father live behind a huge wall that is supposed to protect the land from the sea. The father, however, makes his boy believe that behind the wall live the neighbors. Julius’ curiosity, on the other hand, grows and the little explorer sets out to find the truth.
Script, Production Directing, Translation, Editing, Location
Short Info
Feature film, 12 minutes, Cinemascope, production year 2018
Helmholtz-Klimainitiative REKLIM in cooperation with DEKRA | Hochschule für Medien (Media University)